What We Do

The Climate Mobilities Working Group was started at Princeton University in 2022 as an interdisciplinary group of scholars working to understand the moral, political, and empirical landscape of the impacts of climate change on human mobility. Now comprised of philosophers, political theorists, social and climate scientists, and scholars of public policy from a number of different universities, the group meets monthly to share research, host guest speakers, generate collaborative research pathways, and engage in dialogue around questions such as: What are people are owed, as a matter of justice, regarding mobility in the face of climate change? What are productive and unproductive conceptual framings of climate impacts on mobilities? What kinds of data and methodologies do we need to forge just policy regarding climate mobility, and what historical and structural injustices do we need to attend to?

 The Climate Mobilities Group is directed by Annie Stilz (University of California, Berkeley) and Simona Capisani (Durham University, UK). For more information about our current and past events and activities please visit the Activities section of the website. To learn more about the group’s work or to express interest in participating, please contact us at the information on our Contact page where you can find Simona Capisani’s email as well. Feel free to reach out!